
Precautions to be taken when using contact lenses

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Contact lens is a thin, curved and lightweight lens which is placed on the cornea of the eye and Contact lenses have many benefits for wearers. People choose to wear contact lenses for many reasons and Wearing your contact lenses on a daily basis which might have an effect on vision. Contact lenses are best for people who want to avoid wearing glasses or to change the appearance of their eyes. Another benefit is Contact lens wearers can also wear sunglasses, goggles, or other eye wears without having any difficulty.

People choose to wear contact lenses for many reasons.Aesthetics and cosmetics are the major motivating elements for people who want to avoid wearing glasses or to change the look of their eyes.Others wear contact lenses for functional or optical reasons. When compared with spectacles, contact lenses typically provide better peripheral vision and do not collect moisture (from rain, snow, condensation etc.) or perspiration. This can make them preferable for sports and other outdoor activities. Contact lens wearers can also wear sunglasses, goggles, or other eyewear of their choice without having to fit them with prescription lenses or worry about compatibility with glasses. Additionally, there are conditions such as keratoconus and aniseikonia that are typically corrected better with contact lenses than along glasses.

Remember that the primary factor that happens before a contact lens-related eye infection is that the bacterium accumulates onto the surface of the soft lens and so begin colonization. Clean, fresh, sterile, new lenses minimize this from ever being possible. Mixing contact lenses and cosmetics can be a messy situation.

Also Read: Our Amazing Eyes And How They Work

Some of the Precautions To Taken to wear contact lens:

  • Contact lenses must be properly cleaned and disinfected
  • Do not share your lenses with someone else
  • Always wash and rinse your hands thoroughly before handling your lenses or touching your eye. Use a mild non-cosmetic (oil and fragrance-free) soap, and dry your hands with a lint-free cloth or tissues.
  • All contact lens cases- should be cleaned daily and it is recommended that you replace your case every three months
  • Never use homemade cleaning solutions as they have been linked to serious eye infections
  • Remove lenses before removing makeup.If you should get any make-up on your lenses, clean immediately.
  • Consult your eye care practitioner if you experience any unexplained redness, persistent pain, discomfort, change in vision, excessive tearing, light sensitivity or unusual eye secretions.