Eye care

Eye exercises to reduce eye strain

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Eyes exercise is a set of massage methods that aims at promoting students’ awareness of eye-protection, improving blood circulation and relaxing muscles in ocular region, relieving asthenopia and preventing myopia. Eye strain also known as asthenopia is an eye condition that manifests itself through nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue, pain in or around the eyes, blurred vision, headache, and occasional double vision. Symptoms often occur after reading, computer work, or other close activities that involve tedious visual tasks.

Also Read: What to do to take care of your contact lenses

Here are a few simple exercises to help rejuvenate and reduce the strain on your eyes:

Repeated blinking: Since a lack of blinking is one of the contributing factors to computer-induced eyestrain, as it dries your eyes, it’s very important to blink. Blinking every 3or4 seconds helps in reducing eye strain.  When we watch tv or work on the computer we tend to blink less, allow your eyes to rest by blinking every few seconds.

Eye Rolling: Take a minute and make sure you roll your eyes while you’re working. Try rolling your eyes, tracing as big a circle as possible. Repeat about 4 times, then close your eyes, focus on your breathing and relax.

Palming: Start this exercise in a comfortable position. Rub your hands together for about 10 to 15 minutes till they’re slightly warm, now place them upon your eyes. Don’t touch the eyeballs directly, instead just keep your hands lightly over your eyes.

Focus on a distant object: It’s important to take your eyes off the computer screen and look away at something else for several seconds or a minute. Choose an object that is about 6 to 10 meters away from you and focuses solely on it for a few seconds without moving your head much. This gives some respite to the ciliary muscles that tend to be under a lot of stress.

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What to do to take care of your contact lenses:

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Contact lens is a type of soft lens that you put directly into your eye in order to help you see better. They are a different option instead of glasses. They have to be prescribed by your eye doctor. Some contact lenses can be used many times, while other types are used only once and then thrown away (disposable).

Also Read: Measures to protect your eyes from bright light of laptops

The following guidelines for care of contact lenses:

  • Wash your hands so that you don’t transfer dirt and germs to your eye. Try to avoid moisturizing soaps, as they are not good for contact lenses. Dry your hands with a lint-free towel.
  • Wear and replace contact lenses according to the schedule prescribed by your eye care professional.
  • Minimize contact with water, including removing lenses before going swimming or in a hot tub.
  • Follow the specific contact lens cleaning and storage guidelines from your eye care skilled and also the solution manufacturer.
  • Keep the contact lens case clean and replace it regularly, at least every three months. Lens cases can be a source of contamination and infection. do not use cracked or damaged lens cases
  • Contact lenses shouldn’t be rinsed with or stored in water (tap or sterile water).
  • During cleaning, rub your contact lenses along with your fingers, then rinse the lenses with solution before soaking them. This “rub and rinse” method is considered by some specialists to be a superior method of cleaning, even if the solution you are using is a “no-rub” variety.
  • Rinse the contact lens case with fresh solution, not water. Then leave the empty case open to air dry.
  • Do not use saline solution and rewetting drops to disinfect lenses. Neither is an effective or approved disinfectant.

To Make An Doctor Appointment CLICK HERE

Measures to protect your eyes from bright light of laptops

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Vision is one of your most important faculties so you should be careful about protecting your eyes. Eye protection is the protective gear for eyes which comes in many types depending upon the threat that is to be minimized. The eye threats are like light from computers or laptops, sea spray, heat, wind blast and other dust particles. The human eye can take sensitive to intense light because it damages the retina and sometimes it leads to blind also.

It is important to protect your eyes from eye strain when at the time of using laptop, particularly for job holders. So in that time, you have to take some measures and which are mentioned given below.

Also Read: Fighting The Drain Of Digital Eye Strain

Measures to be taken:

  • Dust can decrease screen sharpness, making the eyes work harder so Clean the monitor regularly.
  • Blink frequently
  • Exercise your eyes
  • Adjust your computer display settings.
  • Take frequent breaks from your computer
  • Reduce glare
  • Get a comprehensive eye exam

Follow above guidelines and protect your eyes from bright lights of laptops.

To Make An Doctor Appointment CLICK HERE

What is Lasik Surgery and Its Benefits:

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Lasik Surgery:

LASIK surgery is the most common laser eye procedure to correct vision problems and it can fix all problems which are myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism. During LASIK, an eye surgeon cuts across the cornea of the eye and raises a flap of tissue and carries out reshaping to good vision. In most cases, LASIK surgery is pain-free and completed within 15 minutes. The results improved vision without eyeglasses or contact lenses can usually be seen in as little as 24 hours. LASIK, might not be appropriate for individuals with strong lens prescriptions, like a high degree of short-sightedness.

No process is without risks, and complications can happen in fewer than 1 in 20 laser eye operations. 1 in 3 individuals patients will still ought to glasses some of the time when laser eye surgery, such as for night driving.

Benefits of Lasik Surgery:

  • LASIK laser eye surgery is associated with very little pain.
  • A high success rate.
  • Faster Results and Recovery
  • In most cases, no bandages or stitches are required, and patients can resume their normal schedule within 24 hours.
  • You may be able to eliminate the need for eyeglasses or contacts completely or reduce your vision correction prescription dramatically.
  • It works and is proven to correct vision in most cases.


Precautions to be taken when using contact lenses

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Contact lens is a thin, curved and lightweight lens which is placed on the cornea of the eye and Contact lenses have many benefits for wearers. People choose to wear contact lenses for many reasons and Wearing your contact lenses on a daily basis which might have an effect on vision. Contact lenses are best for people who want to avoid wearing glasses or to change the appearance of their eyes. Another benefit is Contact lens wearers can also wear sunglasses, goggles, or other eye wears without having any difficulty.

People choose to wear contact lenses for many reasons.Aesthetics and cosmetics are the major motivating elements for people who want to avoid wearing glasses or to change the look of their eyes.Others wear contact lenses for functional or optical reasons. When compared with spectacles, contact lenses typically provide better peripheral vision and do not collect moisture (from rain, snow, condensation etc.) or perspiration. This can make them preferable for sports and other outdoor activities. Contact lens wearers can also wear sunglasses, goggles, or other eyewear of their choice without having to fit them with prescription lenses or worry about compatibility with glasses. Additionally, there are conditions such as keratoconus and aniseikonia that are typically corrected better with contact lenses than along glasses.

Remember that the primary factor that happens before a contact lens-related eye infection is that the bacterium accumulates onto the surface of the soft lens and so begin colonization. Clean, fresh, sterile, new lenses minimize this from ever being possible. Mixing contact lenses and cosmetics can be a messy situation.

Also Read: Our Amazing Eyes And How They Work

Some of the Precautions To Taken to wear contact lens:

  • Contact lenses must be properly cleaned and disinfected
  • Do not share your lenses with someone else
  • Always wash and rinse your hands thoroughly before handling your lenses or touching your eye. Use a mild non-cosmetic (oil and fragrance-free) soap, and dry your hands with a lint-free cloth or tissues.
  • All contact lens cases- should be cleaned daily and it is recommended that you replace your case every three months
  • Never use homemade cleaning solutions as they have been linked to serious eye infections
  • Remove lenses before removing makeup.If you should get any make-up on your lenses, clean immediately.
  • Consult your eye care practitioner if you experience any unexplained redness, persistent pain, discomfort, change in vision, excessive tearing, light sensitivity or unusual eye secretions.


Toys and Eye Safety

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Choosing the right toys for eye safety is a concern for every parent. Read the rest of this entry »

Fighting The Drain Of Digital Eye Strain

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Every year, more than ten million patients visit eye doctors for problems related to Read the rest of this entry »

Healthy Foods For Healthy Eyes

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We’ve all heard that eating carrots will improve our vision. They may not give us super night vision, but eating them can help keep our eyes healthy. Read the rest of this entry »

Most Common Eye Problems In Elderly People

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Once you cross 40s, you’ll notice minor changes in your vision. But that’s normal part of ageing. However, at times, due to prevalent genetic disorder or other health ailments, you may be at a higher risk of developing age-related eye diseases and disorders like age-related macular degeneration, cataract, diabetic eye disease, glaucoma and dry eye.

Let’s discuss the impact and treatment of these common age-related eye diseases:

Cataract: With ageing, especially as you cross 60s, cataract is the most common eye problem. Vision with cataract can appear cloudy or blurry, colors may seem faded too.

Treatment: Cataract can easily be treated by conventional as well as laser surgeries like Robotic Femtosecond Cataract Surgery. During the Cataract surgery, the cloudy lens is removed and replaced with an artificial lens (called an intraocular lens, or IOL) to restore clear vision. The procedure barely takes 15 minutes and typically is performed on an outpatient basis.

Diabetic Retinopathy: Diabetes is a leading cause of numerous common eye problems in elderly people. As its name, the condition is a complication of diabetes and if not diagnosed/treated in time diabetic retinopathy may even cause blindness. During this condition, diabetes damages the tiny blood vessels inside the retina. It is common in anyone who has type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The less controlled your blood sugar is, the more likely you are to develop this eye complication.

Treatment: Treatment for diabetic retinopathy depends largely on the type and severity of diabetic retinopathy. The treatment is aimed at slowing or stopping progression of the condition.

Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD): AMD is a disease associated with aging eyes. It gradually destroys sharp, central vision and causes common eye problems in elderly people. Central vision is needed for seeing objects clearly and for common daily tasks such as reading and driving, etc. It is the most common cause of vision loss in those aged over 50.

Treatment: To control the progress of AMD, there are several treatment options available, like, Anti-angiogenic drugs, laser therapy, and surgery etc.

Glaucoma: Glaucoma is a group of diseases that can damage the eye’s optic nerve. It is usually associated with high pressure in the eye and affects side or peripheral vision. If not detected in time, glaucoma can cause blindness and other common eye problems in elderly people.

Treatment: Glaucoma can be treated either with eye drops, medicine, laser surgery, or a combination of these methods. The goal of any glaucoma treatment is to prevent loss of vision, as vision loss from glaucoma is irreversible.

Dry Eye: Dry eye occurs when the eye does not produce tears properly, or when the tears are not of the correct consistency and evaporate too quickly. Dry eye is one of the common eye problems in elderly people and it makes difficult for them to perform daily activities, such as using a computer or reading for an extended period of time, etc.

Treatment: There are a couple of treatments available for dry eye syndrome. Consult your doctor in case of any symptoms.

At  (Contacare Eye Hospitals), one of the best eye hospitals in Mumbai, we recommend regular and comprehensive eye check up as you cross 40s. We offer the world-class treatments for various disorders of eye at affordable cost.

For queries/appointment, contact us : 1800-266-9770

Keratoconus: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

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Keratoconus often referred to as “KC,” is a slowly progressive, non-inflammatory eye Read the rest of this entry »